Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 8, 2015


This is the official first week of Summer for us here in Hawaii! We officially have a second grader!!! So much good stuff to post! William had an excellent end of the year at Haleakala Waldorf School! More on that later.

We are at the Wailea Marriott Resort to kickoff  the summer!

We checked in today! Here is William looking handsome as we wait for our room to be ready! 

Bella is talking up a storm and non stop exploring!

Chris told us to ask for the "Red Wagon" at the front desk and lord and behold it was full of sea creatures! They both got a whale! Happy Summer Kids! 

Mango smoothie time for the kids and PiƱa colada for Mama! These day's Bella is always a mess, here she is with a mouth full of cherries!  

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