Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Christmas in Belleville

It was so nice to spend Christmas in Belleville with the GG's and family! I took no pictures, thankfully Chris took some and was able to capture some of the fun! 

William looking handsome in his new Bears hoodie from his cousins. 

Hugs and photobombs. Kids loving on GG Lavern! 

Chris decided to put the kids to work making him an ugly Christmas sweater!

Let's just say they did a pretty good job! It kind of reminds me of the Big Island. 

Christmas got a little weird this year!?

William loved spending time with his cousins. One of his favorite parts of this Christmas was the sleepovers.

We were able to make it to mass just in time after the drive down from Long Grove. 

Bella enjoyed playing with all of GG's toys! 

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