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Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua

We had a fun time at the Ritz-Carlton while Pamma and Grandpa were in town. Chris planned it and he surprised them the day Grandpa got into Maui. William did a good job keeping it a secret.  We got to hang at the pool, play in the sand, and our favorite part just being with family!!! 

Hanging at Fleming Beach, this beach is right next to the Ritz. 

We also took the hotel shuttle to our favorite beach, Kapalua Bay. This is our very favorite spot to snorkel. We actually met up with Jameson and Isabel one last time before they headed back to Colorado. It was a special day at the beach! We also got to see a big sea turtle resting on the beach. 

Pamma brought William some fun sand filled with gems.  William loved finding all the different gems and other goodies in the sand.

Here we are at the club. The hotel started putting up all the pretty tropical Christmas decorations and it got us excited for Christmas.

Pamma and William at the Ritz-Carlton entrance.

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