Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 30, 2015

William as Joseph

William was chosen to play Joseph for Las Posadas this Chirstmas season at the school. He did such a great job. Him playing this big character really showed us how humble he is.  I love that they celebrated Las Posadas, it reminded me of my childhood.

William led the group of first graders and the horse to each classroom, including kindergarten. Once they got to each class, William was in charge of knocking on the doors. The first graders sang a song asking the classrooms to let Mary and Joseph in but none of them did (no room at the inn) until the 8th graders finally let them in and they all had a party to celebrate. 

Quick practice run.

Heading to the kindergarten class.

A smile for Dad. He also got to wear his Jedi robe, which worked great for this role. 

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