Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sound Asleep

This is William sound asleep. He really likes all his little stuffed animal friends. He always sleeps with his lion, monkey, and Nora dog (stuffed black dog that looks like Nora). The bunny, which actually is a "boo boo Bunny," came into bed this week, because he had a very high temperature on and off for two days and the bunny has a cool pack inside that helped him cool down. Oh, and of course, we cannot forget his blanket! He is attached to this blanket like no other, he loves it so much and I don't want to take something he loves away.

He has been getting sick on us a lot lately, mostly due to the dramatic weather changes we have been experiencing. But he seems to be doing better now. I hope it stays that way for a while, fingers crossed. We are trying to encourage him to be more interested in the potty, but he is still not totally sure about it. We asked him if we should start trying and he said next week, which I found to be an interesting reply. He is a smart little boy, and when he is ready, he will do it no problem.

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