Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Christmas Day 2014

We had a very merry Christmas 2014!!! We spent it in Long Grove with Grandpa and Pamma and the family. In the morning we headed to Christmas mass before brunch. 

Santa came to Pamma's house!!! 

Me and this handsome little Newton boy!

Chris with the Newton babies!

Love that they sit together! 

William got an air hockey table from grandpa and it was one of his favorite gifts! 

Bella with this cute little doll from uncle Greg and aunt Mary! She loves it and has started to say "I love you" like the doll. 

Bella loves her new white kitty cat, it's just like Pamma and Grandpa's!

On Christmas Eve William got everything ready for Santa's visit with a little help from Pamma.

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