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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter whale watch!

We had such a fun Easter weekend together here on Maui! It would be nice to celebrate more holidays with family, that was the only thing missing. For now Maui life is kind of amazing! It is nice to count all of our blessings and to be reminded of why we undertook such a huge and challenging life change.

Ocean boy! 

This picture makes my heart so happy!

Loving on Dad!

Bella loves her snacks!

William on the lookout for whales and hanging with the captain.

There was a lot of action outside of the boat as well! This was one of our last whale watch cruises for the season before all the whales head back to Alaska. This whale watch did not disappoint! I would not be surprised if we go again just because we love the whales and being out on the water.

We got to see dolphins and whales together for the first time! Epic ocean adventure!  The dolphin fin is on the bottom right! 

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